Signal filtering on Yaesu FT-891
When using js8call or more crowded ft8 frequencies, there are signals coming from all directions, some stronger and some weaker. And it looks like this.
Brighter yellow signals are stronger ones, but there are some fading signals in the middle, probably also decodable without a need to isolate them to ‘hear’ them better, but signals on a far right side we most probably need to isolate.
If you are using AGC (automatic gain control) on your radio, AGC will kick in and because of those strong signals gain will be lowered and those signals on far right side won’t be readable.
If you are not using AGC, you might leave the gain, but then those strong signals will distort and you will have audio harmonics all over the place, again making those signals of interest unreadable.
You can benefit from isolating that signal when it is not crowded, so let’s dive in and make a guide how do do it with three different radios: Yaesu FT891, Icom IC-7100 and Icom IC-7300.
Prerequisite settings on Yaesu FT891
Following video will demonstrate how it is done. You need to set some parameters on it like on following picture.