JS8remote for JS8call onAndroid and iOS

First version of js8remote is uploaded to the Google play store. iOS version is also ready and it needs to be compiled and uploaded to the App store. My old iMac will get some electricity back after a long period of sleeping.

To set it up, in JS8call preferences, set UDP server IP to the IP address of your phone/tablet and under port please use port 2242. You can also use broadcast IP for your subnet or multicast IP Multicast IP is hardcoded at the moment, but soon there will be updates for the app with more things added.

Read more “JS8remote for JS8call onAndroid and iOS”

Using Shift, Width and Narrow filter on a radio

Signal filtering on Yaesu FT-891


When using js8call or more crowded ft8 frequencies, there are signals coming from all directions, some stronger and some weaker. And it looks like this.

Brighter yellow signals are stronger ones, but there are some fading signals in the middle, probably also decodable without a need to isolate them to ‘hear’ them better, but signals on a far right side we most probably need to isolate.

Read more “Using Shift, Width and Narrow filter on a radio”

Install JS8Call 2.0.0-RC3 on Ubuntu 19.10

JS8Call 2.0.0-RC3 on Ubuntu 19.10 from source

You can download binary version for Ubuntu 18.04, but for 19.10 you need to compile it yourself. Before compiling, there are some prerequisites you need to install from official Ubuntu repositories.

Hamlib is also required, so we will compile it also from the source.

JS8Call 2.0.0-RC3 one of the best features is that it can decode Normal, Fast and Turbo simultaneously.

Read more “Install JS8Call 2.0.0-RC3 on Ubuntu 19.10”